June 1, 2020
Prada and the Police

It seems almost ironic that during the current situation, it also happens to be Local Community History Month and Share A Story Month in the UK.

We’ve been keeping exceptionally busy at home in Worcestershire, but we have often found our minds wandering to what we are missing over in Le Marche. We’ve talked endlessly about how well our vines will be holding up, fending for themselves without our continued attention, lots of chat about the wine still in the tanks waiting to be bottled, and of course, when we will get the chance to return.

Such reflection has made us appreciate even more the beauty of our little paradise, and how far we have come with our dream. So much of Casa Sant Elia is nestled in tradition and the community that surrounds it. Filottrano has a population of just over 9,000, 60% being over 65 years of age, the younger Italians moving out to what some may describe as more vibrant cities. Agriculture is one of the main occupations, with many families owning a small plot of land or garden, on which they grow their fruit and vegetables. But Filottrano is also a hive of tailoring activity with Lardini being the main local employer producing 1600 garments a day.

The fashion side of things was a huge draw for Chloe and me, even during the initial renovations, and was often the motivation behind some of our trips. As work progressed, we used to make regular visits to see our architect Sergio, one eye on making sure the work was running to plan which was incredibly exciting, but with the other firmly on Prada outlets and the like!

Every visit, however small the decision, took at least three hours...so much chit chat. But even longer if Jerry was there, when the conversations would drift into underground parking, and crazy heating ideas...what us girls called ‘boys talk’ and ‘in your dreams!’

One such visit was when Chloe and I had to decide on the depth of the pool which, with not being a water baby, was not an easy decision for me. And my judgement may also have been a little clouded by the imminent shopping adventure. Pool depth discussed and off we went, but with neither of us having the best of navigational skills and being relatively new to the area, we drove around and around and around, looking for the aforementioned Prada. Finally, fed up and tired I stopped the car on the side of the road, a road similar to a duel carriageway in the UK. We then noticed a police car had also stopped ahead of us. Two policemen got out and walked our way. They were Carabiniere, and looked amazing in their immaculate uniforms and knee-high boots! Before they could say anything, we babbled away as best we could, trying to explain how we were lost and looking for the PRADA clothing outlet. If nothing else, they obviously understood the word Prada. Following lots of smiling and hand gestures, they offered to take us. Only in Italy could we have had such a police escort to a fashion outlet!

Of course, there is so much more to our community and local area than Prada. We love this blog which perfectly sums up all the beauty, passion and history of the area. We fell in love with it and know you will too. When things return to ‘normality’, whatever that may look like, we hope you will visit our little unspoiled corner of Italy.

Why not contact us to find out more

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